Me and Chairman Mao
  Halong Bay: the Videos.
Once again, it has been too long between posts. Once again, however, I'm back. (Don't call it a comeback. I've been here for years ...)(Literally now at this point, actually.)(Weird.) Anyway, I'm working on sorting through all the pictures I took in Hue (pronounced hway, for the record), but in the meantime here are a few videos that I took in Halong Bay that might give you a better idea of what it looked like. If, you know, you didn't look at all the pictures from Halong Bay I posted already ...

Whatever. Here's video number one, which I took from the deck of our boat (along with a random shot of the back of some French guys head, which totally just makes the video )(or not):

Video: Halong Bay 1

(Also, as you no doubt noticed--or didn't notice--I posted this using SoapBox, Microsoft's answer to YouTube. I think the picture quality looks better than YouTube, but you can compare
here if you care enough.)

That being said, here is video number two, which I took from the top of the island--risking life and limb due to an oncoming lightning storm, as I
mentioned before--and gives you a little different view:

Video: Halong Bay 2

More to come soon. Probably. Although I'm still not all the way moved in yet--I forgot how much absolute crap I apparently own, although I guess I can't be sure it's crap yet since I haven't finished unpacking it as of now--so that's my excuse if I'm slower than expected.
Previously, on my vacation:
Halong Bay.- Hanoi: the Random.
Hanoi: Water Puppets.

- Hanoi: the "Hilton."
- Hanoi: the People.
- Hanoi: Zoom, Zoom.
Hanoi: the Streets.
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Halong Bay
Hanoi: the Random.
Hanoi: Water Puppets.
Hanoi: the "Hilton."
Hanoi: the People.
Hanoi: Zoom, Zoom.
Hanoi: the Streets.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
I'm b-a-a-ck.
Dawn patrol.

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