The HK.Tomorrow, in an effort to maintain our fabulous jet-set lifestyle, we are off to Hong Kong for a long weekend to participate in what, as far as I can tell, are the two primary activities in the HK, as I will henceforth insist on calling it: eating and shopping. Yes, we get in Saturday morning, and our first post-hotel stop will be dim sum, followed by shopping, and by shopping I mean going in and out of expensive stores without buying anything because neither of us can see the sense in buying a three hundred dollar bag, particularly when we can get a reasonable facsimile of said bag a few subway stops away from our apartment for about ten bucks.
(Note to those jealous of our aforementioned jet-set lifestyle: Holly is actually going there to work, and I am following along because otherwise I would probably just hang out in our apartment all weekend watching DVDs and having food delivered and never actually set foot outside, which is not a great lifestyle choice.)
Anyway, I've never been to the HK, so I'm looking forward to it. And, needless to say, I'll take a lot of pictures, so you can look forward to that. (Although just between us, I think I get the good end of that whole "forward" deal, sorry.) And actually, now that I think about it, there is one bad thing about our trip. Because it came up rather suddenly, I was unable to procure a Hong Kong Phooey t-shirt (the famous cartoon dog / Number One Super Guy), thereby leaving me unable to realize my lifelong dream of wearing a Hong Kong Phooey t-shirt all around Hong Kong itself. I know, I know--I have lofty ambitions, don't I? Your sympathy is, of course, appreciated ...
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