Hue: Zoom, Zoom.Having gotten used to sketchy xeom (motorcycle) rides in Hanoi, we had no problem taking more of them in Hue. And of course, I had no problem videotaping it. I mean, as long as you consider riding on the back of a motorcycle driven too fast and too aggressively by some 15 year old Vietnamese kid while holding on with only one hand so you can hold your camera in the other to be "no problem," which I do.
Anyway, this xeom ride was not as scary as the first one through rush hour Hanoi. Thankfully. Actually, it was sort of pleasant, since it was incredibly hot and humid and the restaurant we had just finished eating in didn't have air-conditioning, so the ride was sort of refreshing. It was also fairly pretty, since we rode past the front of the Imperial City, over the Perfume River, and then down the other bank of the river to our hotel. Which was quite nice, as you can tell from this video: