Kara-old-ke.A while back, as part of my "Saturday in the Park" post, I included a few pictures of an old lady singing, by which I meant--and I'm quoting myself here--that she was "screeching like a cat that is both dying and in heat." Despite what you might think, and what I might hope, it's not actually that uncommon of a site: there are several places I know of where, if you go in the morning, you will definitely find a group of older Chinese people playing instruments and singing. And by singing, I mean ... never mind.
Anyway, the other day I was at Yu Gardens showing some friends around, and we ran smack into a group of old people singing, or, as I like to say, "doing kara-old-ke." (Get it? It's like karaoke but with old people. Really, this stuff just comes to me. It's a gift.) Luckily, I had a camera with me that not only takes video, but takes video with sound. The good news about this is that you can finally hear what kara-old-ke sounds like for yourself; the bad news about this is that you can finally hear what kara-old-ke sounds like for yourself. Oh, and if you have anyone--kids, or maybe just stupid teenagers--that you want to explain the meaning of "dissonance" to--you might want to grab them before pressing play:
Nice, isn't it? Just be glad I didn't manage to catch her trying to "hit" any high notes. Be very, very glad ...
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