But whatever. As I was kind of saying, the surprising thing was not that people were filming something, but who they were filming it with. Yes, this particular commercial or whatever it was featured none other than David and Victoria Beckham!
Or wait ... is that actually them? I know it might be hard to tell from the first picture, but that's not actually Becks and Posh: it's just a cardboard cut-out of them! Unbelievable, I know, especially since it looks so realistic, what with the woman standing there pretending to interview them (I'd guess) and all, as you can see in this close-up picture:
(Side note: Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that they are dressed alike? Does anyone really do that?)
Pretty convincing at first, isn't it? But I think what ruins the illusion for me is the fact that, as you have no doubt noticed, David Beckham's feet are not touching the ground. Yes, he's actually flying. Or possibly levitating--since he's not actually moving (what with being cardboard), it's hard to tell. Now to me, that just seems slightly ridiculous: I mean, Becks is good and all, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't walk on air. Then again, I suppose it's not any more ridiculous than filming some woman pretending to talk to molded cardboard cutouts and expecting to use said video to either to sell something or to entertain an audience of people who have all of their higher brain-functions intact, but maybe that's just me. No, I didn't think so ...
Tipping Monkey
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